Becoming a Trustee
The RH&DRSA is a charity. Charities are run and managed by their Trustees. Trustees are appointed according to the Constitution (Rules) of the charity. The aim of the Charity is described in the Constitution as the “Objects” of the Charity. These Objects must be carried out for the public benefit by the Trustees.
Being an RH&DRSA Trustee is always very interesting and sometimes demanding. While you can have a specific area of interest, based within a Portfolio Group, every Trustee is responsible for the whole of the Association’s work and needs to engage with all aspects.
Within the RH&DRSA, the trustees would normally expect a new trustee to have been an active member of a Portfolio Group before becoming a trustee. There are exceptions, of course, especially where specific skills are being looked for. Details of opportunities appear regularly in the Marshlander.
It should go without saying that Trustees and Portfolio Group members must be RH&DRSA members in good standing.
These roles are very satisfying and personally fulfilling voluntary roles. The commitment required is to:
- attend five meetings per year, one of which is the AGM (the number of meetings may increase by agreement)
- attend a trustees’ Away Day each year
- belong to a ‘Portfolio Group’ and attend up to four meetings per year of the Group
- make time available to assist with one-off tasks the trustees decide together may be needed in addition to the above
- comply with the policies and procedures of the RH&DRSA Committee according to the Constitution
Trustees and Portfolio Group membership is time-consuming as the focus is on doing what is needed within and beyond the above framework.
Note – attendance can be by video link as the RH&DRSA owns its own video-conferencing equipment. Geographical location (provided you have broadband internet access) is not an issue for the role of trustee.
The trustees share responsibility and liability for the activities of the Association. They maintain insurance to cover these responsibilities and liabilities.
The activities of charities and their trustees are regulated by the Charity Commission. Anyone considering offering to become a trustee should read the Charity Commission’s guidance before taking their thoughts any further.
Hopefully – YOU ARE STILL INTERESTED! In that case, please contact the Chair, Pat Newsome to arrange a time to meet and have a chat: I will be delighted to hear from you.