Supporting the Railway
Our aim is to “preserve and maintain the miniature trains and associated elements on the Romney Hythe & Dymchurch Railway (the “Railway”) for the benefit and education of the public including without limitation by the provision of a heritage centre as well as providing the Railway with financial and human resources”.
The RHDR itself is run by a Company which has the aim of keeping the railway running for the long-term.
The Association and the Railway attempt to work closely and harmoniously together.
Our hope is that we can achieve our goals by:
- Maintaining a heritage Centre open to visitors to the railway”
- continuing to raise money to support significant projects for the railway, including locomotive overhauls
- inspiring our members to volunteer to work on the railway in their spare time.
We raise funds through subscriptions, legacies, donations, and special events. More information can be found here: Fundraising.
The first half of 2022 has already seen over 2000 hours of volunteer work delivered, helping the railway in a variety of ways to maintain and improve the permanent way and the condition of stations and signalling.
Samson’s overhaul was part funded by a £30,000 contribution from the RH&DRSA.
The Association supports the Railway though its membership, which can be purchased at any of the Railway’s stations. Members are able to engage deeply with the Railway’s history and operations through the benefits membership provides. This strategic connection between Railway and Association is facilitated by a generous discount scheme offered by the Railway and enables the RH&DRSA to build up an engaged membership which facilitates credibility in making grant applications.